Colorectal Cancer

​​The Colorectal Cancer Pathway Map is an evidence-based high level overview of the care colorectal cancer patients should receive in Ontario.


Many patients, both with and without colorectal cancer, will present with signs or symptoms that may raise the suspicion of cancer (for example an abnormal FIT). The following guideline may help you determine when to refer a patient for further investigation.

Diagnostic Assessment Programs (DAPs)

Diagnostic Assessment Programs (DAPs), also known as Diagnostic Assessment Units (DAUs) and Rapid Diagnostic Units (RDUs), focus on providing a rapid assessment and diagnosis for patients with suspicious symptoms or abnormalities. Patients receive a comprehensive assessment, examination and care plan. Please refer to the following document for recommended entry and transfer of care criteria for Colorectal Diagnostic Assessment Programs (DAPs) in Ontario.

Patients who have an abnormal FIT result should be referred to a facility that has the expertise and resources to perform colonoscopies in people with an abnormal FIT result. In the Toronto Central region, these facilities include:

